Monday, April 16, 2012


After reading L's post, I really got to thinking about how people who are living for God are more times than not hit with various struggles and hardships. This is because people who live their lives for God's kingdom, those who try to live like Jesus, are hated by Satan. We are on his "hit list".

My mom and I have talked about this before as my parents are a pretty big target for Satan. Our cars are the main indication of this. Because 5/7 people in my family drive, we have 5 different cars. 5 cars which always seem to have problems with them.

There is a couple we know who seems to be so abundant in material things and is just one of those families that good thing always happen to. My mother pointed out that this is because they aren't a threat to Satan. They aren't on his "hit list".

While writing this post, I thought for a second (from the Enemy of course), "Maybe living my life for God will cause a lot of problems in my life. Will being targeted constantly by Satan be worth it?"

OF COURSE IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!! I have eternal life because of Jesus. I would rather have gifts from God than gifts of this earth ANY DAY. Nothing on this earth can bring me the happiness that Jesus brings me. His love is worth any tribulation I will ever endure (or have endured) in my life.

Sometimes I go through such a tug of war. Satan is constantly trying to get me to stray from God. And God (who always wins) diligently tugs me back. Satan knows that I am on God's team, and will always be. I hear so much about generational blessing, and if I am supposed to be doubly anointed more than my parents are now, I am in for a really blessed life working for the kingdom of God.

"May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word." 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

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