Monday, April 16, 2012


After reading L's post, I really got to thinking about how people who are living for God are more times than not hit with various struggles and hardships. This is because people who live their lives for God's kingdom, those who try to live like Jesus, are hated by Satan. We are on his "hit list".

My mom and I have talked about this before as my parents are a pretty big target for Satan. Our cars are the main indication of this. Because 5/7 people in my family drive, we have 5 different cars. 5 cars which always seem to have problems with them.

There is a couple we know who seems to be so abundant in material things and is just one of those families that good thing always happen to. My mother pointed out that this is because they aren't a threat to Satan. They aren't on his "hit list".

While writing this post, I thought for a second (from the Enemy of course), "Maybe living my life for God will cause a lot of problems in my life. Will being targeted constantly by Satan be worth it?"

OF COURSE IT WILL BE WORTH IT!!! I have eternal life because of Jesus. I would rather have gifts from God than gifts of this earth ANY DAY. Nothing on this earth can bring me the happiness that Jesus brings me. His love is worth any tribulation I will ever endure (or have endured) in my life.

Sometimes I go through such a tug of war. Satan is constantly trying to get me to stray from God. And God (who always wins) diligently tugs me back. Satan knows that I am on God's team, and will always be. I hear so much about generational blessing, and if I am supposed to be doubly anointed more than my parents are now, I am in for a really blessed life working for the kingdom of God.

"May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us eternal encouragement and good hope by grace, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word." 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Friday, April 13, 2012

She's always buzzin' just like...

NEON! Gosh I love John Mayer, I digress.

Neon seems to be THE trend this year. I have seen it so many times on campus, most of which are too much for me. IU students come from everywhere. I don't know the exact breakdown but the majority are from Chicago and the East Coast, not Indiana. This leads to some crazy trendy stuff that ends up being worn on campus. I am not so trendy myself, I tend to stick to classic but once in a while i'll go for a trend (the last one was red jeans). I think all trends are best done subtly.

Theory 'Cleo -Electrifying" Dip Dye Tee
 $85 is steep for a tee, but I do love this.  

J.Crew Perfect shirt in mini gingham

J.Crew "5 inchers. Can't ever have too many!

J.Crew Linen Wrap. Perfect for summer.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

My Journey (so far)

Hi followers! I have been searching for the past two days for new blogs to follow, specifically blogs who are written by Christian women! I really think my previous blog was deleted as a sort of act of God. I have constantly been searching for things to write about and finally, I went to Christ. He has put blogging on my heart as a way to connect with women of God, and in turn, Him, further. As a senior in college, I have had a different journey than I thought I would have. So here is a bit of background about my journey with Christ and how it connects to this blog!

I have grown up in a Christian family. My great-grandfather on my mother's side was a pastor in various small  churches in Indiana and Florida for many years, and my grandfather has been a pastor at a small church in Indiana for the past 30 years. My parents are both very devoted Christians and I have seen their transformation and growth through Christ throughout my life and it has been such a blessing to watch their journey.

I grew up going to church every Sunday, but my church was tiny and didn't offer Sunday School, so I really just sat for 12 years. I always believed in God and knew from an early age I would become a follower of Christ, but didn't have any plans for when that would happen. Around middle school is when I started to listen for God. Then in 8th grade, my family adopted two of my second cousins. My family of five was completely thrown off and I was angry with God. I turned away from Him, but my journey didn't end there. My family left the small church I had grown up in the following year and the next year we spent trying to find a new church to call home. We visited many churches and I had a few great encounters with Christ that shook me, but I still wasn't ready to give up my "cool high school image".

After much searching, my parents decided on a church that was completely outside their (and my) comfort zone. Having grown up in a very conservative, Primitive Baptist church, the very spiritual and free environment of our new church scared me to death for the first year. People danced, we worshiped with a band (whereas I had grown up singing traditional Hymns), and speaking in tongues and prophecy was a weekly encounter. My parents have become deeply involved in the church almost 6 years later and have been transformed. I, however, never felt a connection with the teenagers my age because they were all so close having grown up together and I constantly felt left out. I attended the church for the next two years every Sunday (our parent's rule) and participated in worship and grew closer to the Lord, but not the church.

Enter college, and I scarcely attended church for the next two years, all while becoming involved in the party scene.

*Story within a story (I know it's long but relevant!)* Ever since I could remember I wanted to rush when I got to college. I solely came to IU because I wanted to rush and be greek. End of story. Freshman year partying got the best of me and class fell by the wayside. I rushed my freshman year and was cut from a majority of the houses due to my grades and was completely devastated. I felt cut off from my friends who had joined chapters and rejected. I vowed to get my grades up and rush again as a sophomore, but GPAs are hard to boost. Sophomore year rush rolled around and I had my GPA up for a majority of the chapters. I knew I would get cut from some but was invited back to a few that I really loved. As the rounds went on, and my list grew shorter and shorter (not by choice), I knew God was trying to tell me something. I was offered a bid to a chapter but declined. I knew given the lifestyle I was leading that being involved in a sorority would not be a good thing for me. I was sad, but accepted my choice. Two years later I am happy with my decision. It has been hard at times because everyone I met freshman year rushed and I haven't really met a ton of new people or made "good college friends" aside from one of my roommates.

The summer after my sophomore year is when I started to be called by God a lot harder. He used the movie The Book of Eli to shake my life yet again. Seeing the people in the film who didn't know the Lord, as well as the character Eli whose faith was unshaken, shook me to my core. I realized that I had been one of these people. I didn't truly know the Lord. It was my mission to know Him after that day. I knew my parents were the best place for me to start. I started learning more and more about the Lord, reading books, listening to Christian radio (music has always helped me learn and grow) and attending church, this time with purpose. I was baptized in our church on August 30, 2010, the day before my junior year at IU started. I stood before the entire congregation and confessed my Faith publicly (I'm actually not sure anyone understood a word I said through my sobs).

The next two years have been major learning years for me. My relationship with Christ is good, but I know He has further plans for us. I have fallen short and have had times away from Christ but he has never stopped seeking me and me, Him. The social pressures of college have gotten the best of me at times, and have learned it is an environment that I need to be out of in order to resist it. God continues to give me strength to resist this, but having friends who believe in the Lord, but aren't where I am, has been the biggest obstacle.

I have prayed that I would become closer to women of Christ and He has been placing people in my life slowly and carefully the past two years that have helped me. I have grown closer to women in my church, and continue to grow closer. As of today, I pray constantly for my growth and that God will place people in my life who will only help my Faith grow. The Lord and I have been working on me together and continue the improvement every day.

God has put it on my heart to use this blog as another way to connect with His people. Here, I will share my struggles and triumphs, my failures and successes. I am pleased you have decided to join me and if you have gotten this far, thank you for letting me share my life with you! I look forward to our journey together and I continue to live a life worthy of the calling.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Marley Lilly Love

I have been browsing Marley Lilly since I can remember, and they are a brand that can do no wrong in my mind. They listen and pay attention to what their consumers like and want, and they produce great products at the right price. Here are a few items I am just dying for.

Monogramed Baseball Hat
I wear hats all the time because I hate the length of my hair right now. The size of the 'gram is perfect!

Monogramed Fleece Vest
I wear vests a lot in the fall and spring. This one will go with a ton of items I already own!

Mongramed Navy Swim Top
This picture was floating around on Tumblr forever and I am so glad Marley Lilly sells these babies. Every girl's dream. 

Of course these are just a FEW of the amazing items ML offers. Monogram lovers head their way!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Saturday Reflection, Last (Real) Semester

Since all of my posts are gone, here is what I've been up to this semester so far. The year is winding down and I can't say that I'm not a sad, but mostly I am super excited for another semester to be down so I can start my real life. School has never really been my favorite thing to do, but college I will surely miss.

Hanging with HAW, one of MDW's lovely sissies.  

Refusing to take pictures at times. 

UCA Nationals, my 3rd as a coach.

Spring Break in St. Augustine, our favorite restaurant, Harry's!

SB photo ops with MDW. 

Unusually nice days which result in nature hikes on the lake.

Bidding farewell to MDW :(

Hanging with these pretty gals. 

I am off to hide eggs for an Easter egg hunt. Have a fabulous day everyone!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fresh Start

I somehow DELETED my other blog, The Cableknit Chronicles, so I am having to start from complete scratch! Every post I did for 2 years may be completley lost, but I actually am grateful because I get to start fresh. So, I will reintroduce myself!

I am a senior at Indiana University. I'm taking a half victory lap in the fall because I had to try out being a teacher, which I decided wasn't for me. I am a Journalism major hoping to land a PR job soon!

I have a great relationship with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Romans 12:2.

I have a wonderful family. I have four younger siblings (2 brothers, SWB-18 and JKB-8 and 2 sisters, CEB-20 and JLB-10).

I have been dating MDW since August 4, 2005 (see I do know the date!). He is the love of my life and my best friend. He just moved to Dallas, TX TWO days ago and I already miss him terribly but I cannot wait to join him in December!! Follow him on Small Town Hoosier to Big City Cowboy.

I love all things preppy. Monograms are my guilty pleasure.

While I am guilty of being a typical college gal sometimes, I adore manners and etiquette. I love handwriting cards and notes because it is such a long lost art. Emily Post knew all.

I couldn't live without iced coffee, RL cableknit sweaters, The Bible, J.Crew chinos, Jack Rogers, IU basketball, college football, golf, Norts, Lilly Pulitzer, J.Crew, wine, Patagonia pullovers and many other things.

I love country music (WAGON WHEEL, everything else), European Girl music (La Roux, Ellie Goulding, Kate Nash), Jazz, Frank Sinatra and the rest of the Rat Pack, Christian music, Teenage Heartthrobs (Justin Bieber, Jesse Mccartney),  Big Voices (Mariah Carey, Adele, Whitney Houston, Aretha), The Beatles and 80s-90s music.

I am a self proclaimed animal know-it-all. Shark are my specialty (Thanks Discovery).

I enjoy being me and with the help of the Lord, am finally getting comfortable in my own skin.

I look forward to re-getting to know the blogosphere and sharing the end of my college career and the beginning of my adult life with you all! (I figure I'm not allowed to say ya'll yet, not a Texan for a few more months)