Friday, June 1, 2012

In love.

With Texas. and MDW. I can NOT wait to move there. Here are some pics :)

First of all. MDW has lost a ton of weight in less than 6 months. He is a different person.
Old us.

New us!

Ok now onto more Dallas pics. 

View out the 14th floor!

Ft. Worth Zoo!

Words can't describe how great it was to be back with MDW for five whole days. I was literally in shock when I saw him because I had been planning it in my head for weeks and then all of a sudden he walked into his Dad's hotel room and I was in shock! I couldn't believe how good he looked since the last time I saw him. Exploring was the best part of the trip. I got to see where he had been going to eat and spending time for the past almost two months. The only bad part, besides having to leave, was not getting to go to Sprinkles!!! I was dying to go but it was just far enough away that we weren't going to pass it unless we drove 10 minutes to it and no one wanted cupcakes that badly-aside from myself of course. I absolutely love it in Dallas and can not wait to move down and start my big girl life! 

Special thanks to MDW for hosting and for HAW for all the iphone pics!